Trailblazer® Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller

Hydronic Systems

To supplement the heating demands, The Trailblazer HP absorbs heat from the ambient air and transfers it to a boiler-integrated water loop. This water is then cycled through the boiler, which can further increase the water temperature if the heat pump chiller is unable to meet the setpoint temperature during colder ambient temperatures. This ensures that water loop temperature is maintained for consistent heating while also benefitting from the energy-saving features of the unit.


Cascade Systems

When air-to-water heat pump chillers are paired with water-to-water or water-to-air heat pumps in a cascade system, they create a highly efficient setup that shares waste heat, causing all the pumps to operate at a higher efficiency with increased cooling capacity.

  • Reduced Lift: Each heat pump works less due to the pre-cooled/heated water from the previous stage.
  • Extended Air-to-Water Range: The air-to-water chiller can function in colder temperatures with a lower hot water target.
  • Internal Heat Transfer: Buildings with both heating and cooling needs can utilize internal waste heat instead of independent systems.